Now a days you can see every one with their mobile phones next to their ears. The mobile phone has many health related problems. Lot of studies were conducted by scientists on mobile phones and they indicate that the radiations from mobile phones are very dangerous which can cause genetic problems, tumors, cancers, memory loss and increase in Blood Pressure etc. Let us see what are the health related problems associated with mobile phones.
- Scientists studied and found that exposure to mobile phone's low level radiation leads to the red blood cells to leak haemoglobin and which can lead to heart disease and kidney stones.
- Another study indicates that if you are exposed to radiations of mobile phone for 2 minutes causes proteins and toxins to leak into the brain and may develop Parkinson's disease.
- Another study says that the radiations from mobile phone can ignite the petroleum fumes at gas filling stations.
- It was seen that people using mobile phone for longer time were suffering from high blood pressure.
- Mobile phone radiations affect the pregnant women too. The baby inside a pregnant woman if exposed to radiations from mobile phones, it may face health hazards.
- Burning skin, head ache and fatigue are some of the symptoms of long term usage of mobile phones.
- Another study says that memory loss also is possible if you are exposed to mobile phone radiations.
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